Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Playing Catch-up
Well, some other exciting news, auditions for the school musical were a few days ago and callbacks were last night, and the show is cast, and I GOT A PART! the show we're doing is called Aida. and there are not that many leads, only 3 female leads and 2 male leads. well, i got one of the female leads:) my part is Nehebka. I'm so excited, and I feel so lucky and blessed to have gotten a part. I can't wait to start rehearsals, I love the cast and it is going to be so fun!
Hope everyone has a fabulous thanksgiving! Some pointers I'll be following for tomorrow when it comes to feasting on that delicious meal......
-Eat breakfast/lunch before your thanksgiving feast! even if it's just a piece of fruit or something little, it will help you show up not feeling totally famined and starving, and will help avoid SUPER overeating. (yes it is thanksgiving, we will all "over-eat", but let's not kill ourselves) :)
-Only pick food items that you are just dying to eat. For me, there are some thanksgiving foods that I always just sort of eat, because you're supposed! foods like turkey and stuffing....but turkey and stuffing I don't really even like very much! so avoid "obligation" foods that you won't even really enjoy.
-Don't get seconds. I used to always think at thanksgiving, "well, i'm just getting seconds because I didn't have room on my plate for everything I wanted the first time around". haha oh this is so bad! if that happens, um HELLO! definitely a sign you need to get smaller portions or not as much food, or if you want to cheat, just stack food on top of the other so you don't technically have to get seconds.:)
-Enjoy yourself, and enjoy your food! ummm hello, on this diet, i think the last time I actually enjoyed what I was eating yeah I honestly can't remember. but I freaking love thanksgiving food! so i am going to enjoy it and just know it's a holiday, and i have a lot to be thankful for, including one delicious splurging meal:)
Speaking of being thankful, today we had an amazing lesson in gratitude in seminary, perfect for thanksgiving time. Some thoughts I'd like to share...
I am 1 in 2,500 people (out of ALL of Heavenly Father's children) who was born in the United States, and born into the gospel. WOW. That right there makes me feel so lucky and blessed. And not even to mention talents, abilities, a supportive family, good friends, and so many other blessings. When I think about that, I can't believe how much I complain and how MISERABLE i make myself whenever I'm ungrateful or want something more or think my life could be so better. It sounds cliche, but let's really count all our blessings this year and instead of thinking what we don't have, let's think of all that we do have and how blessed we are!!
love, haylee
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Four Pounds and illegal immigration

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chugging Along....
Speaking of Briley's wedding and Halloween, here are some fun pictures:)

Briley looked soooo pretty. and everything about the wedding was just fabulous!:) including epic dancing/partying at the reception:) I only lost my voice..yep:)
And for Halloween, ohhhh boy. haha. A whole big group of us went to Schnepf farms on Saturday night. We were a big nerd-herd slash gang with some adorable nerds and swaggin' gangstas! Oh and I think there was a christmas elf and fairy thrown in the mix too;)

And on Sunday night, I kept the commandments and lived it up doing lots of makeup work from missing school thursday and friday from the wedding.:)
I also have THE busiest month ahead of me. Holy crap. Like, every single day has something in it. I've got choir-president-duties to deal with, research papers, solo and ensemble/regional auditions, y.w. in excellence i have to do a project for, the school's musical auditions/rehearsals quickly approaching, my piano students' recital next week.....AHHH! How am I going to balance everything?! and with the holidays coming soon?! ahh! I can' do it! Psh, wait yes I can. How? prayer, reading your scriptures and going to church every week! ha jk, that was my attempt to be funny...ha..haha...hahahaha:) ok by everyone!!!:)
Monday, October 25, 2010
feelin' like a star, you can't stop my shine....
And tonight, my friends Kelsey, Savannah, Stephanie, and Taylor and I all went running at a track. This weather is so perfect and amazing and I felt soooo good. Before, I only limited myself to the gym. And I've realized that i HATE the tread mill. It's the devil. But running on the track in the cool night air, without my ipod, able to run to the beat of my own's sort of indescribable:) I feel so good. I can't say that enough. all this hard work has really paid off. a few people have been telling me they can tell I've lost weight. for me, that is such an awesome thing to hear. this makes all the hard work and sacrifice more than worth it.
Well jeez...I feel like all I've been talking about on here is losing weight! umm...well lately I've just been busy with school (of course), stress, teaching piano, hanging out with friends, the usual:) I've been loving life. I feel so blessed by my Heavenly Father. The past few years have not been the easiest. And now I'm realizing that it's true that Heavenly Father will always pull through in the end and support us and bless us if we remain faithful during our struggles. And I'm so grateful for the past few years because if every little thing didn't happen exactly the way it did, I wouldn't be the person I am today. That also makes me so excited for the future for more opportunities to learn grow, experience things, strengthen my testimony, and learn from different trials. I'm so grateful for life and the Plan and Heavenly Father and my Savior and my family and my friends. I hope everyone has a wonderful week:)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Busy, Busy
Here are some pictures my friend Alora took of me last week:)

Monday, October 11, 2010
Wow...Didn't See That Coming!
And then later in the meeting they were talking about exercise, and the leader said, "You know it IS possible to lose weight without exercising..." Then I was gonna raise my hand and say, "YEAH! i just lost 5 lbs and I sat on my butt all week!" but I didn't say that.:) And good thing, because she continued, "BUT, why is it important to exercise?....blah blah blah.." Ha.
So yeah game-plan for this week? Well basically I know that if I don't be as psycho as I was last week (if not psycho-er), then I will gain weight, even if I follow the exact weight watchers plan perfectly (which would include eating ALL of my points, which i have NOT been doing).
So this week, it's going to be exercise, on top of eating like a Nazi. Me and my cuzzy Hannah already have it planned to go running every day. And quite frankly, there is nothing I hate more in the world than exercise. Ok well maybe a few things, like liberals, stupid teachers, and annoying people...but that's for another post. Point is, I hate hate hate it. I dread it. I avoid it. I feel like I'm going to die when I do it. But ya know, I can't lie, when i do do it, AFTERWARDS, I guess I do feel pretty good:) but then hate it again the next morning when I can't walk from soreness. So this is going to be my challenge this week. Hope you all have a good week! Peace out!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The past few days, I have been psycho about what I've been eating. I don't know if it's even healthy, obsessing over all this healthy food. I am learning to embrace hunger, but in an extreme way. Now, no-one freak out, I am not starving myself or depriving myself by any means, but I've just been really focusing on getting used to less food and the only way to do that is to quit eating when I KNOW i've had enough. And I've realized that about a half hour later, that "not done eating" feeling that my brain tricks my stomach into thinking totally goes away and I feel perfectly fine.
My mom and I also went to Sprouts a couple days ago and went CRAZY. I LOVE eating healthy and one day, I want to be one of those psycho people who buy nothing but organic:) haha but at Sprouts, we got all sorts of fruits, veggies, psyllium husk, flax seed, almonds, La Tortilla Factory tortillas (holy cow, miracle food), and cracked wheat bread (another amazing low-calorie food). I was a happy girl:)
The only down side of this super-conscious eating is that when I'm in situations like I was tonight, it makes it super hard to let myself endulge even a little bit.
But tonight's Sunday family dinner was a milestone.
It was probably the first time in a reeeeally long time that I didn't get seconds. And the first time in a reeeeally long time I didn't get dessert. Like seriously, before- I LIVED FOR DESSERT! And I know on weight watchers, you shouldn't deprive yourself and there's no foods that you can't eat, but I refused to let this whole week go by so perfectly food-wise, and then ruin it by having dessert. I did have to leave the dinner a little early to avoid the extreme temptation (haha) BUT on the way home I felt SO good. 1-because I really watched my portions and I didn't have that super-stuffed feeling I usually get after Sunday dinner. and 2-because I didn't eat dessert and on the way home, once I left, the thought of the desserts didn't even appeal to me anymore. This is seriously like a miracle to me! And I'm sure that my weigh-in tomorrow wouldn't have been totally affected if I had dessert, but by not eating it, I proved to myself that if I was able to overcome my biggest temptation (being dessert), I can really do anything. And it boosted my confidence in what I'm doing SO much.
This week is my last week of break so it still should be pretty easy to continue to do very well, especially with all my new food from Sprouts:) But the only thing I'm really worried about is starting school again next week. I know how I get when I'm in school. Eating is the WORST. I don't eat breakfast, I have a random snack for lunch, then when I get home around 2:30 (usually really hungry), I go psycho and eat about 3 meals worth of food, then eat dinner at around 8. Ahhh it sounds even more awful now that I type it. BUT IT IS GOING TO CHANGE. And I've got to come up with a master-sneaky-plan to stop it. And that's what I will be doing all this week as I munch on my carrots and chug down my psyllium husk!:) muhahah:) until then, peace out!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Dreaded Weight-Loss Post...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
What a Wonderful Week
1. no facebook....ok so maybe this one didn't go too well.. I still went on it.. but not very often! before, I would catch myself on there and hours would fly by and I still would have a big pile of homework waiting for me, but this week I still went on, but only a few minutes a day. Everything in moderation, right?:)
2. Starting homework right away instead of procrastinating till 8 or 9:00....this went so amazingly! I would start around 3 or 4 and by 7:00 I would be so confused because there was nothing else I needed to get done! haha that feeling is the best kind of high:) then I could relax and read a book (that I wasn't for my English class, haha) or just have leizure time, which on a school night, is rare for me to have without knowing I had homework waiting for me. I could also do the homework with more concentration and focus, because that's very difficult when you're drifting to sleep and you're trying to analyze a poem or multiply matrices. Ahhhh this one was best on my list.
3. Go to bed before 11...psh this one I didn't even have to think about! I was in bed no later than 9:30 every night. And it was all because of number 2:) And it's so amazing how my week was just better and I was just happier in general when I was running on 7 hours of sleep instead of like...4:)
4. Finish every homework assignmet....yes I finished everything! every night! and again, I'm tellin' ya! it was all because of number 2!!
5. Wash my face every night.... ehh yeah this went well for the most part. I think 1 or 2 days I didn't wash my face...but I'm just trying to get in the habit. and my face is starting to clear up a little:)
6. wash my hair at least every 2 days.... ahaha. nope, failed. I washed my hair on Sunday and then yesterday, on Friday. Don't judge me people. hahahaha. oh well, at least this didn't affect how my week went:)
7. No teasing my hair....another BAHAHAHAH moment. I lasted Monday without teasing it and after Monday, I couldn't do it again. Just one of those things.... but oh well, I'm sure if I followed through on this one, I would feel ugly and hideous every day and that would sorta make my week not as wonderful.
So there ya have it. My wonderful, productive week. Now I know that in order for mostly everything to go smoothly ALL THE TIME, I just need to do #2 every single day. I think my junior year is going to be soooo different if I do.
Some random thoughts.....
I have been loving my friend Alyssa's blog. We were best friends in middle school and she just left a couple weeks ago to be a foreign exchange student in FRANCE! yes I know, but if anyone can do it, it's her! she is so dang smart! Her blog is so entertaining and I love reading it. It makes me feel somewhat cultured, through all the culture she is soaking up:)
My school is doing Les Miserables for our spring play.:) I know, insane. You're probably thinking a high school could never put on Les Mis....And you're probably right:) haha but we'll see! and my choir has been working on a medley for it, so I've been sort of obsessing over it for the past couple weeks. I've never seen the actual play, but I watched the whole 10th anniversary concert on youtube and it is just amazzzzzzzzzzing. Ahhh. Here is my dream role...Fantine....I know I'm crazy.....:) watch this. Holy heavens, Ruthie Henshall.....amazing.
I'm playing a piano solo in church tomorrow, so I've been working on that a lot...hmmm
Oh and WE'RE MOVING in a couple weeks!!! I'm way excited because our new house is literally twice as big as our house now, and I'm so excited to be in my new ward!:) And the new house is only a couple miles down the road, so not too drastic of a change! But at the same time, I'm gonna miss my ward now, and It's going to be a big change, moving from the house you've known for the past 6 years! that's like about a third of my life! But oh well, the fact that Brinley and I get our own bathroom makes up for everything sad!:) ha jk, but seriously.
Well...that's about it! Hope everyone has a splendid weekend!:)

Sunday, September 12, 2010
But now that I look back on last week, I could have done a lot more to prevent that. One thing was not getting my facebook back. Ahhhh. I'm so ashamed. Especially after I ranted on here a couple weeks ago about how my life was soooo good without it. So with facebook and not managing my time in general, me being soooo stressed out was pretty much my fault. So this week is going to be different. I'm going to come up with some goals. Just for this week. Then hopefully eventually I'll be able to make them habits and make them who I am and how I do things.
2. start homework RIGHT when I get home from school and only stop to teach piano
3. go to bed before 11. (this one is going to be hard but I know if I do it, it'll make a HUGE difference)
4. FINISH. EVERY. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT. there is nothing worse than going to school knowing there's some things you didn't get done. ahhh. maybe that's another reason last week gave me such bad vibes, because I was going into almost every, class every day, without having some assignment done or some test that I wasn't prepared for.
5. Wash my face every night. Last week, that definitely got away from me. And my poor, zitty face is definitely a result of that.
6. Wash my hair at least every 2 days. This is honestly going to be hard. I just can't explain how much time it takes when I wash it. Longer time in the shower (when i could be SLEEPING), then more time doing it in the morning (when I could be SLEEPING). and plus, when I don't wash it as much, it turns out soooo much cuter. So why waste time washing when it's even cuter dirty? well...because I want my hair to be healthy for once!
7. Another hair goal, no poofing hair. Today was the first day in probably 2 years I went out into public without it teased. And i wanted to throw up every time I looked in the mirror. Literally. I feel like it's so flat against my face and stringy and sickening and makes me look 50x fatter when it's not poofed, but I know it's all in my head. I'm going to try to go a week without teasing it to get myself used to it-visually- so i can eventually stop doing it all together so I can eventually get healthy hair again. Wow i sound like a drug addict! HAHA
Ok there are my goals. Most serious, some silly. I can't promise I'll blog anytime in the next week...actually I'm going to promise that i WON'T blog in the next I don't get sidetracked...but I will promise to have an update next weekend how my goals went!
Wish me luck, I really need this to happen if I want to be able to balance my life for the next 9 months. (ok that sounds like I'm pregnant. I mean the next 9 months of my junior year). :)
Ultimate Goal = 4.0 all four years ............and temple marriage, of course:)
love, HayHay
Thursday, September 9, 2010
-if freshman/sophomore year were 1's on the "stressful" scale, junior year is a 10
-why does every teacher expect THEIR class to be our #1 priority? does it have to be impossible to be successful at everything?!
-what would i do without sparknotes??
-sacrificing to go to the Temple to do baptisms WILL bring me blessings
-what is our society coming to where there is a brand of underwear with butt padding? ("booty-pop", look it up)
love, haylee
Monday, August 23, 2010
So we went to the T-CRAP-ile store, and much to my dismay, I found out that after 9 faithful years of being customers to T-CRAP-ile, my parents took themselves off contract and are on a plan that's unlimited everything for a set amount every month without being on contract, but the only bad thing is that when your phone busts like mine did, you have to pay full price for a new one. So a phone that would have cost me $100 on contract, ended up costing me $300. And I agreed to pay for it.
And now, 2 days later, I feel awful.
I love my new phone and I definitely needed it, but my mom gave me one of those lectures (actually more like 3 sentence-long speeches) that can make you feel like crap about what you did, much more effectively than a punishment. She basically said that after all these years, she thought she taught me how to save money, look for deals, and only buy necessities. {siiiighhhhh}. I thought she taught me that too, but ehhhh.... I guess not.
Oh well. Life lessons. Actually speaking of effective punishments, during my mom's relief society lesson she announced somehow that I bought a $300 phone-much to her disappointment-and everyone turned around and looked at me and laughed. Whatever.
Anyways. My point is, that maybe I should really start prioritizing my life. Like how I budget my little bit that comes in from my piano students every month. And the other thing I HATE to admit to, is that I'm awful about paying my tithing. I do it, but I don't do it monthly. I'll just sort of guess-timate how much I've made since the last time I paid and grab a few 20's from my wallet and call it good. That really needs to stop.
I also could be spending my money on stuff that's more important to me like: the stuff I need to finish re-doing my bedroom; the money for an expensive calculator I need; some money to go get my oil changed in the Red Devil; a little bit to go get my hair done....etc..... Ok, so maybe that last one shouldn't really be at the top of my list but hey.....anyone can look at the nappiness at the top of my head and will agree it is a necessity. Alright well I'm glad I got some of those thoughts off my mind. I guess I'm gonna put this priority goal into use and go work on homework, or something.
From the bottom of my corazon,
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Meet The Red Devil

It got its name from....well actually I don't know. I think, one day I was driving friends around and I had to do something that I thought would only take about 10 minutes so I said, you guys can just wait in the car, I won't be that long.. Well I actually ended up taking about 30 minutes and my poor friends were trapped inside the hot, smoker-smelling car. And from that day on, it's forever been called the Red Devil.:)
Well that was about 3 months ago when I first got it, and now the smoker smell is pretty much gone and the Red Devil has been through some crazy times!!:) Some things I love about the Red Devil:
1) The driver's side door is broken from the inside so if I want to get out, I have to roll down the window, reach outside, and open the door from there.
2) The windows are manual so I'm cranking my window up and down about a hundred times a day to get out.
3) There is a huge crack going across 3/4 of the window.
4) I can go from 0 to 60 in about.......5 minutes.
5) Whenever I try to go from 0 to 60 in FASTER than 5 minutes, the engine shifts extremely violently and I feel like I'm going to go flying out the windshield.
6) The passenger side door doesn't lock.... I probably shouldn't announce that..
7) It likes to play tricks on me and think that my A.C is broken for the whole month of July, when all I really needed to do was push the A.C button.....that was fun...
8) The window tinting is peeling off reeeeally bad on all the windows's basically a classy car in general.
9) The brakes are reeeeally sensitive so when my friends and I wanna be our true gangsta selves, I can bump the brakes really hard to the beat of our gangsta-lovin' music.
10) The LAST thing I love about my Red Devil is that there's no better car in the world for ME and I wouldn't trade it in for any other car!:)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Post #1
The biggest thing was getting rid of my Facebook. It truly was an addiction. The thrill of logging on. Checking notifications. Reading messages. Accepting friend requests. Browsing what 800 people are up to. Then noticing that 2 hours has gone by in a blink. And what got accomplished in those two hours? Nothing, except I was cought up on who's hanging out with who, who's going where, what's going on with this person who i barely know. It's a crazy thing! And like I said, I was so addicted. One day about two weeks ago, I just went and deactivated my account. Cold Turkey. I thought, pshhh, I'm gonna be riiiiight back on here tomorrow. But actually, to my total and utter surprise, it was the biggest burden off my shoulders. It felt in comparison to having a huge project due and always knowing in the back of your mind you have to work on it, then finally finishing it, then that amazing feeling of knowing you don't have to work on it anymore and can be doing other things. Strange analogy, I know, but at first I was always thinking, yessssss....I don't have to get on Facebook so instead, I can do this, this, and this. And the weird thing is, I never had to go on it, but just the thought of some kind of notification or message was waiting for me if I didn't log kept me getting on every spare second. So actually deleting it and knowing that I wouldn't be missing anything has set me free.
Now in those multiple hours a day that I'm not on Facebook, I am accomplishing things and being so productive. And it's been life-changing!:) On that note, something to think about--what would happen if EVERYONE in the world gave up facebook? Or t.v watching? Or any other mindless and pointless thing that takes up so much time? The world would change. The speed of the evolution of our society would increase unimaginably. What are some things in your life you can cut out, or at list limit? I know I am sounding preachy and weird, but getting rid of my facebook was such a lifted burden. Now I have time to improve my wellness all around by practicing piano/voice more; spending more time on homework (not just doing what's due the next day), but truly studying and not procrastinating (and I've already seen the result of it through my grades); reading the scriptures/working on Personal Progress more, spending real time with friends, as opposed to interacting through facebook; reading more books; working out more; and starting this blog.
Unlike my other blog, I really don't care how many people read it or comment, and I'm not going to write my posts based on what other people want to read, but more what I want to say. And I'm going to try to do this mostly in a journal format.
Well, now I'll wrap up this wordy "introduction." Sorry for the serious tone of this post, for those of you who know me, it's really not like me at all, but in the future, look forward to more posts about my new, more productive life:) They'll be more fun and crazy, because let's face it, I'm Mormon and 16! I kinda sorta know how to party!:)
Peace out!
Love, Hootie