Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Dreaded Weight-Loss Post...

I've been blogging for about 3 years. And I've never talked about this. Not once. This, being weight loss. I might have mentioned little things, like "oh I'm really going to try to work out!" or things like that. But this topic is really part of who I am, well more like, the need for weight loss-is a big part of who I am. And I think I've never talked about it because I didn't want to accept it, or I just didn't think it was a big deal.

But now I'm talking about it because I'm finally serious about change.

I've always been heavier. I remember being bribed with $10.00 for every pound I lost when I was eight years old. Back then, I didn't think much of it, and it really didn't have much effect on me then (thank goodness). I just thought, Oh yep I should lose weight! But now that I think back on it, I can't think of a more horrible thing-bribing an EIGHT year old to lose weight. 

But now I am almost 17 years old, and I am doing this for ME. Not because my mom says I should. Or the doctor says I should. But because I know that the ugly truth is- if I want to FULLY live life, I need to do this. For real. 

As we've looked at my weight patterns starting from when I was about 8 or 9, on average, I've gained 15 pounds per year, without fail. And I still am gaining. It is out of control. The only time I broke this pattern was when I was in between 5th and 6th grade, instead of 15 lbs, I gained FIFTY pounds in that year. And that was the year we moved from Mesa to Queen Creek. That is the apitamy of my life right there- whenever there's change or hard times or stressful times, or anything like that-I react with food and bad habits. 

I will always and forever question why THIS had to be my trial in life, but it is, and I need to deal with it and respond appropriately. 

Going back to what I said earlier, I kind of joke that I've been on Weight Watchers since I was about 8. I've probably stopped and re-started it about 10 times. I would go for a few weeks, lose about 10 pounds then quit, and the cycle would start again about a year later. But when I think about it, when i WAS doing the program for real, it worked! and it teaches you how to eat CORRECTLY and the correct AMOUNT of food to eat. Not just eat this, this, and this to lose weight FAST...(then gain it back a month later). 

So my point is, I've decided to do it again. But this time, I'M the one who's choosing to do it and who ACTUALLY wants it to work. I'LL be doing the 30 min. drive every week with MY gas money and I'LL be the one paying for it every week. I know this will keep me motivated to go and confirm to me that this is MY choice. 

I've always wanted to lose weight more than anything in the world. Ever since I can remember, every birthday blowing out the candles, I would think, "I wish I was skinny". So I don't lack the desire or the motivation. I also know HOW to lose weight and I have the means and I'm totally capable. So honestly, I don't know what it actually is that I lack and why I've never been successful, but this journey is going to be figuring it out what it was that I lacked and hopefully I'll have IT (whatever IT is) when I'm successful. 

But for now, all I can do is TRY. And try harder than I've ever tried.

and for the past week and 2 days, I've done nothing but TRY. and my first week, I lost 1.6. It's not that much, but it's a START. and I know that the slower I lose it, the longer I'll keep it off. And the point of this is to not only lose weight, but to also train my body to get used to less food. And it will be hard at first (I already know this because it HAS been hard, the last week and 2 days), but I've realized that it's all about the end result. And even though I may be hungry in the moment, I've already noticed that as the days go on, the less hungry I become. My body is already responding:) and that's my goal. 

So I'll be doing the Weight Watchers program which is a simple yet leniant point-system, and on top of that, I have a few rules for myself. They are: 

#1: no eating past 6pm. This is extreme but it all has to do with planning my meals and when I eat them, and it's worked. I've always tended to make extra-bad food choices at night, so I really think this will help. This also makes waking up in the morning SO much easier knowing that I did good the day before, and I can't mess everything all up, and I need to start the day putting GOOD food in my body. That goes into the next one.... 
#2: Don't eat anything that is not doing my body any good, no matter how few points it may be. My food choices have been really conscious and I'm really trying to choose foods from the basic food groups and hardly any crap, when before all I would eat is crap and processed food-like substances. And it's true what they say...old habits die hard. reeeeally hard.
#3: Drink TONS of water. We're talking like 80 oz a day! Man I've been peeing like Seabiscuit lately, but drinking a lot of water makes me feel so good! 

Well... that is basically it! Like I said, it's HARD! but i NEED to do it. I'll post every monday (weigh in day) with my results of how I did for that week. I think that will be a good way for me to stay accountable!

Wish me luck!:)


  1. Haylee, I hope you know how beautiful and gorgeous you are inside and out!!! When I saw you in California, I really thought to myself.. She is so beautiful!! And other than your pretty looks there is this light about you that you share with others. I highly recommend this book called "Intuitive Eating". I don't really believe in the whole diet mentality, but different things work for different people. This book is life changing though! It teaches you what kind of eater you are and how to have a healthy relationship with food.:) Sounds corny but I absolutely loved it! It helped me in so many ways. Anyway I hope you are doing fabulous!

  2. Haylee,
    You are a beautiful girl! It sounds like you are serious about wanting to make a change in your life, something it took me 17 years longer to come to than you! I would be happy to be your accountability partner, if you'd like. And you're right, WW works when you do! I've just hit 93 pounds and I'm knocking on the 100-lb door. I'm so proud of you and I know that you will be successful! Keep going when it's hard and don't forget to celebrate your successes!


  3. I love you Haylee. You are such an inspiration. I admire you for taking on this challenge. I was reading something the other day that a woman wrote about losing weight. She said, "Focus on your Energy and Health vs. your Weight! I want you to focus on increasing your energy and improving your health and forget about weight loss. Yes, I am serious.

    When you focus on being healthy - fitting in your workouts, drinking more water, not skipping meals, only having dessert once a week, etc. - the weight loss takes care of itself.

    I am not telling you to stop weighing yourself once a week (which is my normal recommendation), but I am telling you that focusing on your weight alone will drive you crazy.

    If you focus on increasing your energy and improving your health, I am confident you will lose a healthy, realistic and sustainable 1 to 2 pounds per week (or 52 to 104 pounds in 1 year).

    Instead of focusing only on weight loss, look at the choices you make each day (your water intake, eating every 2-3 hours, your portion sizes, parking in the furthest spot at the grocery store, etc.) as opportunities to Increase your Energy and Improve your Health! You will be amazed at how much switching your focus improves your results and how much more fun getting in shape will be!" (End of her quote)

    Sorry this was so long! You are already beautiful inside and out, but I bet you can make a personal project value project out of this. How about Choice and Accountability?!?

  4. Haylee,
    Hmm...I wish you could comprehend how much i adore you. You honestly do not realize how stunningly gorgeous you are. I am so extremely proud of you that you are willing to take this serious and take the steps to get it done..really. I too, need to change a lot of old habits, and the fact that you are doing it is so inspiring. I love you so much darling.

  5. Hey girlie, I have had this battle my whole life. There are good and bad times, but whenever I really do it for myself and no one else. It works. You will have great success and it will be a challenge your whole life but if you will see it through and have great self respect. Love ya

  6. Ah Haylee I cried reading this post. I HATE weight, seriously. But, I am so inspired by you. To take these steps to becoming the person you want to be. Knowing what you need to do and having the courage to do it so honestly!! I want to be healthier too and will try to follow your lead, you are such a beautiful, smart, leader!! I love you!!!
