1. no facebook....ok so maybe this one didn't go too well.. I still went on it.. but not very often! before, I would catch myself on there and hours would fly by and I still would have a big pile of homework waiting for me, but this week I still went on, but only a few minutes a day. Everything in moderation, right?:)
2. Starting homework right away instead of procrastinating till 8 or 9:00....this went so amazingly! I would start around 3 or 4 and by 7:00 I would be so confused because there was nothing else I needed to get done! haha that feeling is the best kind of high:) then I could relax and read a book (that I wasn't for my English class, haha) or just have leizure time, which on a school night, is rare for me to have without knowing I had homework waiting for me. I could also do the homework with more concentration and focus, because that's very difficult when you're drifting to sleep and you're trying to analyze a poem or multiply matrices. Ahhhh this one was best on my list.
3. Go to bed before 11...psh this one I didn't even have to think about! I was in bed no later than 9:30 every night. And it was all because of number 2:) And it's so amazing how my week was just better and I was just happier in general when I was running on 7 hours of sleep instead of like...4:)
4. Finish every homework assignmet....yes I finished everything! every night! and again, I'm tellin' ya! it was all because of number 2!!
5. Wash my face every night.... ehh yeah this went well for the most part. I think 1 or 2 days I didn't wash my face...but I'm just trying to get in the habit. and my face is starting to clear up a little:)
6. wash my hair at least every 2 days.... ahaha. nope, failed. I washed my hair on Sunday and then yesterday, on Friday. Don't judge me people. hahahaha. oh well, at least this didn't affect how my week went:)
7. No teasing my hair....another BAHAHAHAH moment. I lasted Monday without teasing it and after Monday, I couldn't do it again. Just one of those things.... but oh well, I'm sure if I followed through on this one, I would feel ugly and hideous every day and that would sorta make my week not as wonderful.
So there ya have it. My wonderful, productive week. Now I know that in order for mostly everything to go smoothly ALL THE TIME, I just need to do #2 every single day. I think my junior year is going to be soooo different if I do.
Some random thoughts.....
I have been loving my friend Alyssa's blog. We were best friends in middle school and she just left a couple weeks ago to be a foreign exchange student in FRANCE! yes I know, but if anyone can do it, it's her! she is so dang smart! Her blog is so entertaining and I love reading it. It makes me feel somewhat cultured, through all the culture she is soaking up:)
My school is doing Les Miserables for our spring play.:) I know, insane. You're probably thinking a high school could never put on Les Mis....And you're probably right:) haha but we'll see! and my choir has been working on a medley for it, so I've been sort of obsessing over it for the past couple weeks. I've never seen the actual play, but I watched the whole 10th anniversary concert on youtube and it is just amazzzzzzzzzzing. Ahhh. Here is my dream role...Fantine....I know I'm crazy.....:) watch this. Holy heavens, Ruthie Henshall.....amazing.
I'm playing a piano solo in church tomorrow, so I've been working on that a lot...hmmm
Oh and WE'RE MOVING in a couple weeks!!! I'm way excited because our new house is literally twice as big as our house now, and I'm so excited to be in my new ward!:) And the new house is only a couple miles down the road, so not too drastic of a change! But at the same time, I'm gonna miss my ward now, and It's going to be a big change, moving from the house you've known for the past 6 years! that's like about a third of my life! But oh well, the fact that Brinley and I get our own bathroom makes up for everything sad!:) ha jk, but seriously.
Well...that's about it! Hope everyone has a splendid weekend!:)